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Product Reviews on eBay

Product reviews are a powerful way to close a sale, with 77% of online buyers stating that they check reviews before buying. The evidence shows that even if reviews are unfavourable, their very existence helps improve conversion rates. As Graham Charlton, eCommerce consultant puts it, “All reviews are valuable, and a mix of positive and negative reviews helps to improve consumer trust in the opinions they read.

Indeed, recent stats from Reevoo suggest that the presence of bad reviews actually improves conversions by 67%.

Reevoo found that people that seek out and read bad reviews convert better, as the very fact that they are paying such close attention means they are more likely to be in purchase mode.

68% of consumers trust reviews more when they see both good and bad scores, while 30% suspect censorship or faked reviews when they don’t see any negative opinions on the page.”


You may have noticed product reviews on some listings – eBay’s review system is well under way, and at the moment anyone is able to leave a review on a product which has a registered barcode. Eventually, as with Amazon, reviews will be monitored and possibly split into verified and unverified, but at the moment it’s pretty much open season.

This is still being rolled out so it’s possible your items are not yet registered on the system


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